In the past, the ONLY way to do genealogical researching in Slovenia and find your family, was to go there and visit the TWO archdioceses. One in Ljubljana, the capital, on the west side of the country and one in Maribor on the east side of the country.

My husband has been so generous and taken me to Slovenia three times to research my family. The Brajers and the Locicniks! What a growing experience that has been. I loved every minute. But with the Pandemic all the diocese have been closed and my trip last July was canceled. Researching in Slovenia seemed impossible now. So here I am unable to do anything about my predicament. UNTIL….

I began praying to find a way. The thought came, why not email the Maribor diocese and see if they would let me hop on a plane and come do some research. Or, ask if they have another way to available during the pandemic to access the records. SURE ENOUGH, they sent me a link to their recently open, ONLINE site. And they’ve asked if I would donate to help them maintain this site. YOU BET I’ll donate! I am so excited for this opportunity. I haven’t found out if Ljubljana’s diocese is open yet, but I am grateful I can research one side of my family for now. Maybe for those of you who are stuck in the same predicament that I was, and not for the country of Slovenia, try reaching out to those archdiocese of the countries you’ve not been able to go to and ask! If you do find some way to help, please! share with us in comments below what you found!
If you’re looking to do some genealogy research in Slovenia, reach out to the diocese! Or see the link below:
Or if you’d like, to donate to the archdiocese see the document below or I’d be happy to share the information I received with you through email. Just contact me through the contact form below and I’ll send you what I know. In the form, please say you’re inquiring about the Slovenian Maribor archdiocese. Thanks and have a fabulous day! I’m off to find my family!
Tonya at Forever Family Trees

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