Terms and conditions of Purchases:
All trees are hand done. No tree is perfect, we are humans after all. But we will do our very best to deliver you a beautiful product, nearly perfect.
Trees are extremely heavy and fragile. READ instructions carefully before hanging your Forever Family Trees.
All tags are fragile and if pulled to open the hook wider it will break. There is NO REFUND or exchanges for tags, so please be careful. Do not drag magnets across the vinyl or steel trees, this will cause scratching or tearing. We are not responsible for these marks caused by the magnets. Pull magnets directly off tree to re-position them.
10-Generational TAGS:
All tags for 10 generational trees are our high quality antiqued brass hand made tags. Each magnetic hook will hold 1 circle and 1 square tag, but no more than that. Each 10 generation tree comes with a starter set of 32 tags and magnets. Additional tags and magnets can only be purchased after ordering a tree (square tags and hooks are sold in sets of 30 at 24.25/set)(circle sets are sold in set of 10 at 6.75/set).
5+ Generation TAGS:
You will receive 62 sets of nice simple tags. That will cover parents and ancestors. All children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will need to be purchased in extra sets sold separately. Each tag set for a 5+ generational tree comes with a magnetic hook and circle tag. Additional tags and magnets can only be purchased after ordering a tree (5+ generation tags come in sets of 1 magnetic hook and 1 circle and are sold individually at .75/each)
Photo safe, acid-free, printable stickers for TAGS:
Each tree comes with plenty of stickers for all tags to complete trees and descendants. For 10 Generational trees, you will receive square stickers for names, dates, locations etc. And glossy photo circle stickers for photos of family. For 5+ generational trees, you will receive glossy photo circle stickers for photos of family on one side of circle tag and matte circle stickers for names, dates, locations, etc. for the backside of the circle tag.
Instructions and warnings for hanging trees are on the papers sent with the tree. Please read everything carefully!
All purchases/sales are final.
Thank you 🙂